21st International ISC Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCISC 2024)- Topics of Interest
Topics of Interest

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ISCISC 2024 aims to bring together researchers, engineers, and practitioners who share a keen interest in various aspects of information security and cryptology. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Foundations of cryptology and cryptanalysis
  • Symmetric cryptographic algorithms
  • Asymmetric cryptographic algorithms and digital signatures
  • Hash functions
  • Information-theoretic security
  • Advanced topics in cryptography (functional cryptography, homomorphic cryptography, ...)
Implementation of cryptographic algorithms and related attacks
  • Software and hardware implementation of cryptographic algorithms
  • Side channel attacks and countermeasures
  • Embedded cryptographic systems
  • Hardware tampering and countermeasures
  • Cryptographic hardware accelerators
  • Cryptographic implementation analysis
Security protocols
  • Authentication and identification protocols
  • Zero-knowledge protocols and proofs
  • Secure multiparty computation
  • Designing new security protocols
  • Cryptanalysis of security protocols
  • Attacks against security protocols
  • Formal verification of security protocols
Security methods and models
  • Access control and authorization
  • Anonymity, privacy, and trust management
  • Security and privacy policies and metrics
  • Threat modeling and analysis
  • Formal methods and models
Network security
  • Mobile and wireless network security
  • Network infrastructure security
  • Network intrusion detection and prevention
  • Denial-of-service attacks and countermeasures
  • Security analysis of network protocols
Security of computation
  • Hardware security
  • Operating system security
  • Database security
  • Web security
  • Mobile application security
  • Fuzzing and vulnerability discovery
  • Malware Analysis
Security and privacy management
  • Information security management system
  • Security architectures
  • Risk management
  • E-business and e-banking security
  • E-health security
  • E-learning security
  • Privacy-enhancing technologies
Information hiding
  • Steganography and watermarking
  • Steganalysis
  • Applications of information hiding
Digital forensics
  • Digital forensics techniques and tools
  • Database and network forensics
  • Mobile device forensics
  • Cybercrime forensics
Recent topics in cryptography and cybersecurity
  • Quantum and post-quantum cryptography
  • Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies
  • Internet of Things (IoT), big data and cloud security
  • Cyber-physical systems security
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) security and privacy
  • Adversarial machine learning
  • Security of social networks, metaverse, and augmented reality-based systems
Topic URL in 21st International ISC Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCISC 2024) website:
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