Author Guidelines for Accepted English Papers

Note: Please refer to this link for accepted papers written in Persian.

English papers accepted for the conference (subject to registration and in-person presentation) will be considered for final publication in the ISeCure journal. Authors are required to revise their papers according to the reviewers' comments and upload the following documents in a compressed ZIP file to the EDAS submission system by September 21, 2024:
  • LaTeX source file: Prepare the final manuscript using the ISeCure style for LaTeX. Use a grammar checker like Grammarly to ensure proper grammar and clarity.
  • Author photos: Submit high-resolution personal photos of all authors.
  • Original figures: Include high-resolution figures in their original file formats (ISeCure will convert them to PDF).
  • Copyright forms: Upload signed copyright (Journal Publishing Agreement) and conflict of interest forms.

In addition to the compressed ZIP file, it is necessary to upload the final version of the paper in PDF format and the presentation file in the "English Paper Presentation Format" separately through the EDAS system.

Please note that only papers meeting the following conditions will be certified and published in the ISeCure journal:
  • At least one author must register for the conference as the paper author.
  • All required files (compressed ZIP file and separate PDF and presentation files) must be uploaded to the EDAS system according to the above instructions by September 21, 2024.
  • The paper must be presented orally at the conference.

For further details and required forms, please visit

Note: Each presentation will be allotted 15 minutes, with an additional 5 minutes for questions and answers.

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