How to Reach

The conference will be held on the 16th and 17th of October, hosted by Tarbiat Modares University and in cooperation with the Research Institute of Communication and Information Technology at the location of this research institute located at the end of North Kargar Street. It should be noted that the workshops of the conference will be held on the 14th and 15th of October at the main campus of Tarbiat Modares University located at the intersection of Jalal Al-Ahmad and Shahid Chamran highways.

Routes to Tarbiat Modares University

Metro: Daneshgah-e Tarbiat Modares Metro Station is conveniently located near Tarbiat Modares University. It serves both Tehran Metro Line 6 and Line 7 and is situated at the intersection of Shahid Chamran Highway and Jalal Al-e Ahmad Highway.
Bus: The nearest BRT line to Tarbiat Modares University is Line 4 (Shahid Afshar Terminal to Jonoub Terminal), which stops at Kooy-e Nasr (Gisha) Station.
Private car: Finding a parking space around Tarbiat Modares University can be quite challenging. Due to the limited parking space inside the university, the entrance of private cars to the university is limited, especially from Saturday to Wednesday.

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