ISCISC 2024 aims to bring together researchers, engineers, and practitioners who share a keen interest in various aspects of information security and cryptology. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Foundations of cryptology and cryptanalysis
Symmetric cryptographic algorithms
Asymmetric cryptographic algorithms and digital signatures
Hash functions
Information-theoretic security
Advanced topics in cryptography (functional cryptography, homomorphic cryptography, ...)
Implementation of cryptographic algorithms and related attacks
Software and hardware implementation of cryptographic algorithms
Side channel attacks and countermeasures
Embedded cryptographic systems
Hardware tampering and countermeasures
Cryptographic hardware accelerators
Cryptographic implementation analysis
Security protocols
Authentication and identification protocols
Zero-knowledge protocols and proofs
Secure multiparty computation
Designing new security protocols
Cryptanalysis of security protocols
Attacks against security protocols
Formal verification of security protocols
Security methods and models
Access control and authorization
Anonymity, privacy, and trust management
Security and privacy policies and metrics
Threat modeling and analysis
Formal methods and models
Network security
Mobile and wireless network security
Network infrastructure security
Network intrusion detection and prevention
Denial-of-service attacks and countermeasures
Security analysis of network protocols
Security of computation
Hardware security
Operating system security
Database security
Web security
Mobile application security
Fuzzing and vulnerability discovery
Malware Analysis
Security and privacy management
Information security management system
Security architectures
Risk management
E-business and e-banking security
E-health security
E-learning security
Privacy-enhancing technologies
Information hiding
Digital forensics
Recent topics in cryptography and cybersecurity
Quantum and post-quantum cryptography
Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies
Internet of Things (IoT), big data and cloud security
Cyber-physical systems security
Artificial Intelligence (AI) security and privacy
Adversarial machine learning
Security of social networks, metaverse, and augmented reality-based systems